Nephritis. Diseases of the kidney tissue, itself due to infection or degeneration, frequently are termed nephritis or Bright’s Disease. This group of kidney diseases involves the tiny blood vessels, tubes and tissue of the kidney and produces toxins which circulate through the entire body. These infections usually due to the streptococcus bacteria, can range from a mild insignificant infection to one which is overwhelming and serious. Though they may start in youthful years, these infections may not present their most serious effects until later years when the kidney is possibly and suddenly found completely worn out by years of continuing infection.

Infections in the kidney of the nephritis group invite diseases of the heart and blood vessels, especially high blood pressure with its attending difficulties. Pain is sometimes absent, but frequently is felt in the back, just under the ribs on the affected side. Blood is usually present in a cloudy appearing urine, and fever is often the most prominent and obvious symptom. Treatment of kidney infection cannot be effected by advertised mineral waters or kidney pills, claimed to flush out the kidneys. Successful treatment of kidney disease demands expert and rigid medical therapy from a physician well versed in kidney diseases.

Pyelitis. Infection of the kidney’s urinary tract, called pyelitis, involves the “end” of the kidneys, after the urine has been formed. It usually is not found alone, but associated with infection of the entire kidney organ, and is often noticed by the sufferer himself who may find blood or pus in the urine and have considerable burning pain during urination. Pain of the kidney alone is often felt in the back and sides and to many people this type of pain identifies kidney pain.

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