Chancroid-Ducrey Infection. Chancre-like sores on the penis and other parts of the body, often thought to be syphilitic in nature, are sometimes caused by non-venereal types of bacteria and organisms such as the Ducrey bacillus. There are other infective types of penile sores, sometimes closely resembling chancres, but not due to any particular bacteria, and thought possibly the result of simple chronic irritation.

Cancer of the Penis. Malignant growths of the penis are not common but they do occur occasionally and usually after the age of fifty. They appear most often on the head of the penis and are sometimes thought caused by chronic irritation from the contracted fore-skin of phimosis, mentioned previously. Cancers can start in a very unsuspicious manner, and are usually blamed on some coincidental and trivial accident. They may also be mistaken for syphilis or some simple infection, because in this region, cancers may look like sores in any other region of the body. Like all cancers however, they differ in one respect they do not heal. They may also be somewhat painful, have a tendency to bleed and to enlarge rapidly.

Cancer of the penis differs from many other cancers in one important distinction. It travels extremely fast and can spread throughout the body at a very early stage. Therefore, any sore on the penis, should be seen by the physician. This is especially true after the age of fifty, because it is only through very early diagnosis that effective treatment of cancer of the penis can be obtained.

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