Understand hyperactive kids first

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is more a health condition than a disease and could be rather depressing and overwhelming for parents and teachers alike. Characterized with inability to concentrate on anything for a period of time accompanied by restlessness makes it difficult for these kids to remain still for a long time. Impulsive thinking and action with aggressiveness could make these kids have problems in relationships, learning and behavioral patterns. Hyperactivity more common in male children than female could sometimes be very difficult to diagnose and treat. There is just a fine line of distinction between hyperactive and children with emotional and disciplinary problems, with only a specialist being able to bring out an appropriate diagnosis.

It is very significant to note that brain disorders, accidents, toxic substances, genes and diet contribute to the problem of hyperactivity, with some of its cure lying in regular taking of the medications, and getting quality and quantity sleep and exercise. Behavioral therapy has worked to a large extent with learning deep breathing relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga helping to combat anxiety and anger and bring about concentration and focus. It is however to be realized that hyperactive kids diet play a dominant role in effecting treatment.

Know hyperactive kids diet

Being the parent of ADHD or hyperactive children requires the use of healthy choices in the kids diet. The first step is to avoid giving these children processed foods that contain addictives, preservatives, artificial colors and flavoring. It helps to cut down sugar in a kids diet with avoiding candies, desserts and ice-creams help. This applies to cutting out on junk foods that not only contain sugars and carbohydrates, but also artificial preserving agents. In addition going in for organic meat in place of processed meats helps. You would be a smart parent with checking on food colorings and their reaction in the form of hyperactivity in your kids and avoiding them.

With the wide propaganda that fried foods should be minimized in any normal persons life to prevent various life threatening disorders it is also significant to note that young hyperactive kids are also affected with fried foods. This does not mean that fats should be totally excluded from a hyperactive kids diet, but it only means that you as a parent would be smart to avoid Trans-fats. Using of healthy fats like animal fats, coconut oil, olive oil and flax oil helps them to assist in the brain of these children with avoiding bad fats like trans-fats and poly-unsaturated fats. Increasing ones consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of salmon, tuna, Brazil nuts, walnuts, canola oil, and other cold-water white fish supplements helps.

With organic foods being the bang in present days it is good to add organic foods to hyperactive kids diet, as organic foods are not exposed to harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, herbicides and fungicides and grown without sewage sludge or irradiation and genetically processed seeds and is a best choice for such children. Organic meat from animals fed on vegetables and green matter can also prove useful. In addition making sure these hyperactive kids have a protein rich breakfast and after school snacks in the form of beans, cheese, eggs, meat and nuts ensures they have better concentration and focus.

In addition, decreasing the consumption of simple carbohydrates like white rice, white flour, and potatoes without the skins and increasing the consumption of complex carbohydrates in the form of vegetables and fruits like kiwi, oranges, pears, tangerines, apples, and grapefruit help to promote a rested and relaxed attitude in these children.

Make your children drink their way to feeling better being less hyperactive and more focused and concentrated. It is to be realized that our brains contain about 80% water and taking abundance of water in the pure form helps, and sodas, Gatorade teas and ices could never take the place of pure water.
Thats to great hyperactive kids diet.