Like many other people you are sedentary in your habits drive home and sit in from of the tube. Most of us do not get regular exercise which lead to severe health conditions. Walking for exercise is the best thing that can keep you fit easily. You can stay trim, and keep your heart healthy, maintain good circulation and reduce your stress if you regularly do exercise. The secret of it is in taking a walk every day not once a month or every now and then.

Let your walking exercise be a pleasant hobby not a bugbear. Invite your friend for a refreshing walk in the park and dont curse yourself for coming out for a walk. Just bite the bullet and walk for a few days. Soon after a week of regular walking you feel that you are deprived if you do not go out for a walk. You already feel energetic and alert and probably you would have lost a couple of pounds. You may sleep better and less stressed out.

In the rural areas, there are dozens of routes for your walking experience. It is amazing to see very few people taking regular walking exercise. You can drive around your local roads; take a few turns down roads you have never explored. Through out the year nature is so fascinating that you are enthralled. You will soon be friend with every tree, berry bush, and flowering cherry on the way. Different routes for walking make the exercise interesting and enticing.

Cities have hundreds of walking routes and you neednt sprint. Walk at a comfortable space. Stop and browse in that shop which was unknown to you when you drove by. Include a few hills as possible. During inclement weather rive to a museum for your daily walk and experience some thing afresh at the same time.

If in the suburbs, walk outside of your neighborhood to have a better knowledge of your community as you are walking for exercise. Stop a while and chat with some neighbor who may become your friend or who knows, you may discover a romantic interest.

The only condition for walking as hobby is to have comfortable walking shoes. A good quality shoe will cost a little more. A comfortable and properly fitted walking shoe will not give any blisters or ore feet. This will be very convenient excuse for abandoning the exercise. It should never happen. I cant wait to make a beginning as I dont know about you.