Scoliosis Deformity. Curvature of the spine to the side is the most common of all back deformities. Often it has existed since childhood from unrecognized polio or other bone diseases such as tuberculosis, whereas later in life it may well be the result of working habits. This is because heavy work by right handed people tends to lower the right shoulder slightly, and produce a slight spine curvature to the left. Nearly a third of all people have such deformity and are not even aware of it. It should be stated that a mild deviation from the perfect back cannot be considered as a real deformity, but obvious wide variations from the normal may cause considerable back trouble. Most often these difficulties can be relieved by correct medical therapy, and such treatment should be sought, if for no other reason than ordinary comfort.

Kyphosis Deformity. Hunch-back deformity, acquired in the early years, is frequently caused by childhood bone disease or just poor posture. Acquired later in life, hunch-back is caused by arthritis of the wearing-out type. It is very common in later years, it gets worse as time goes on and it is very difficult to correct. Frequently chest, abdominal and extremity pain comes with kyphosis when nerves are pinched by the wearing out and collapsing vertebrae.
Lordosis Deformity. Sway-back, or “tired horse” deformity accompanies hip joints which cannot straighten out properly and force the back to arch sharply for an erect position. This is

Spinal chord
Vertebrae (cutaway)

Fig. 133. A Slipped disk, between the vertebrae, frequently pinches against the spinal cord. Symptoms of back and leg pain frequently are made worse by coughing, sneezing and straining. Removal of protruded portion of disk by operative means usually means complete lasting relief.

caused by ligaments about the hip joints, shortened by polio, by infection or by accidents, which prevent straightening of the otherwise normal hip. The resulting “walking horse” posture does not often start after fifty years, as it is usually a hold-over from youth. It rarely causes trouble.