Know Some Best Home Remedy For Chest Congestion And Cough

Lets understand the cold, cough, and chest congestion and think for a home remedy

You can easily catch a cold with chest congestion and cough with exposure to cold weather. Chest congestion could quite often be followed with high concentration of phlegm in the chest and low to acute grade chest pain and getting over it would require knowing the cause first and then taking steps to find the best home remedy for chest congestion and cough.

It is a general observed fact that home remedies for chest congestion and cough work better and are more effective for all-round maintenance of your immune system. Over the counter medications could weaken the body and also have dangerous and undesirable side effects. So being health smart would mean using home remedies for common and recurring ailments as chest congestion and cough and resorting to other cold medications only in emergencies and extreme circumstances.

Home remedy for chest congestion and cough

Onion has been successfully used as a home remedy for chest congestion and cough, with a tablespoon of onion juice taken every morning helping to clear congestion in the chest slowly but surely. However it is best that you make sure to take this juice till the congestion in the chest is cleared fully. Next it is best to consider another home remedy for chest congestion and cough that combines onions with the health potent, honey.

This remedy rests on first making a mixture of equal quantities of fresh onion juice and honey. Then this mixture needs to be kept aside for about 6 hours. Using this mixture regularly 2 times a day helps to eliminate not only the phlegm in the chest, but also treat that chronic cough. Next, as many if you wish to prevent chest congestion and treat one that already exists it would prove real effective to prepare your own cough syrup at home and use it.

This simple, yet effective cough syrup that has also worked wonders on chest infection involves mixing 2 teaspoons of freshly extracted onion juice with an equal quantity of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then this mixture is boiled with some water and the honey equal to the quantity of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After this syrup is cool, it can be used twice daily in the morning and night to get good relief.

No one can overlook the healing and curative properties of ginger being used as an effective home remedy for chest congestion and cough. Grandmothers have sworn by fresh ginger juice being taken twice daily to give the best relief from cough and chest congestion. Consuming a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice prepared by grating ginger helps, with a tinge of honey adding to the enhanced taste and effectiveness.

You would surely enjoy and find drinking hot ginger tea as an effective home remedy for cough and elimination of accumulated phlegm in the chest. It would soothe the chest off its unpleasantness due to congestion. You could also benefit out of a brew that is prepared with grated gingerroot, a few garlic pods and a teaspoon of lemon juice boiled in water. This time-tested and useful home remedy can be had after being strained and mixed with honey. It is worth knowing that ginger, garlic and honey treat the infection, while lemon juice proves very useful in relieving the cough and makes for easy breathing by clearing chest congestion.

How did these home remedies for chest congestion and cough work for you?