Is there a connection between hyperactivity in children and diet

This important question finds its answer in the affirmative because hyperactive children are very much influenced by what they eat and drink with experience of parents with hyperactive children finding that they have a lot of food allergies along with foods that cause more harm than good and others that help to increase the concentration and focusing power of such children. It is true that certain foods that normal children take could be harmful with hyperactivity in children and these children need some modifications.

Talking about the general signs that these children show the 2 main ones are the inability to pay attention and focus for long on anything, combined with the nature of feeling restless always with inability to relax and rejuvenate. In addition these children are highly impulsive and it is common to see these children have difficulties in learning and relationships both at home and at school. Diet therapy has always played a major role in managing hyperactivity in children and it is quite unfortunate that many parents have always found it difficult to characterize hyperactivity in their children and take prompt and correct action.

Understanding hyperactivity in children and what diet they should be given

Talking of a hyperactivity diet for children, it should be one that not only helps the brain to function better aiding in concentration and easy focusing but also looks into aspects like restlessness and hyperactivity. Hyperactivity in children and diet calls for foods that would help aid the overall nutrition of children. This is to be combined with supplementation diet that aid to get over the deficiencies of hyperactivity and attention deficiency. In addition it involves eliminating foods that could cause aggravation of hyperactivity and attention deficiency signs and symptoms.

With the aim to avoid aggravation of hyperactivity in children, it is best to avoid dairy products except probably the milk of cows. Research carried on by pediatricians show that many cases of hyperactivity in children can be traced to a diet that includes milk that many children are allergic to. It would be best to start off a diary product elimination therapy with including rice milk, almond milk, or raw organic milk before pasteurization. The enzymes present would help in better digestion. A daily intake of about 8 to 10 glasses of water would also be very helpful.

With the advent of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and processed foods, you would be smart to exclude these addictives from a hyperactive childs diet, with probably making it a method of cooking in your kitchen. Avoiding sugar and simple carbohydrates like white rice, white flour and including complex carbohydrates like vegetables and fruits like kiwi, apples, pears, grapefruit, pears, tangerines and oranges would help. Complex carbohydrates promote good and quality sleep and make these children feel rested and relaxed.

Sugar could prove to be like poison and aggravate hyperactivity symptoms in children, with a diet restricted in items like candies, chocolates, desserts and ice-cream helping. Use of sugar substitutes could do more harm than good to the brain. Restricting and eliminating fruit juices would help, and if you must it is best to take natural fruit juices without sugar or drinking it diluted with water 50/50. The same would apply to junk and processed foods that are not just rich in sugar and carbohydrates, but also contain artificial preservatives. This could really cause harm to the brain of these sensitive children.

With most of us being aware of the ill-effects of produce grown today with excess of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides used, it is good that you look at introducing an organic diet as a part of hyperactivity dist therapy. It is best to realize that foods grown the organic way would be more nutritious and healthy.

Abstaining from the use sewage sludge or irradiation and genetically processed seeds in cultivation makes for a wholesome choice of best and nutritious eating and living for these sensitive children. Organic meat produced with being organic in feeding animals also contributes to healthy choices.
Hope you have a happy and fulfilling experiences dealing with hyperactive children having now known all about hyperactivity in children and diet.