Excessive underarm sweat can often be a cause of major embarrassment. Not only does it give rise to foul body odour, visible yellowish stains might also appear on the clothing. The usage of over the counter antiperspirants would hardly help. This is because most of them would be carrying a compound called aluminium chloride hexahydrate, which simply acts by clogging the sweat glands. Not allowing sweat to be produced can actually cause body temperature imbalance, leading to various other complications. Hence, opting for some effective natural remedies is indeed the best solution.

How to Get Rid of Armpit Sweat Naturally – Home Based Solutions

Some of the simplest home based solutions and remedies which can help in managing sweaty armpits better would include:

• Take a fresh lime and cut into half. Use each half to rob on one underarm at a time. Once the rubbing is done, air dry you armpits before putting on your clothes. Lime juice can have a staining effect on your garment. Lime juice contains acid which kills the sweat causing bacteria present in the underarms. It also acts as a suitable absorbent for excessive sweat. Hence, your underarms are left drier and cleaner.

• Apple cider vinegar is also considered an excellent natural remedy for dealing with excessive sweat accumulation in the armpits. Take clean cotton balls and pour some of the vinegar on it and wipe off your underarms with them. Use fresh cotton for each underarm. The process should be regularly followed after a bath or a shower. Alternatively, you can apply it every night and leave it on, washing off in the morning. Regular usage will help in managing the problem better.

• Buy some alum crystals from the local grocery store. Apply these directly onto the underarms. Beware of sharp edges as these could lead to painful injuries. Alum is known to be an effective natural antiperspirant which also controls sweaty odour. Alternatively, you could also use an antiperspirant spray which contains high concentration of alum.

• Keep your underarms clean and shaven at all times. Sweat droplets tend to get entangled in underarm hair, leading to a strong stench. Keeping your armpits clean will help the sweat to evaporate fast.

• Drink plenty of water and refrain from intake of pungent and spicy dishes as much as possible. Both will contribute towards bringing down the smell of armpit sweat.

Armpit sweat is a common problem and apart from complying with the above mentioned methods to reduce it, it is always advisable to use a deodorant. This will make you feel fresh and fragrant, generating positive vibes.