Gastritis is a very common name which involves the inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach, also known as the mucous membrane. This mucous membrane is actually a membrane that is filled with mucus, and it is always protective of the inner lining of the stomach, and the intestine is, and it provides for extra protection from the stomach acids that are present for dissolving your food. The reason that gastritis is such severe, is because of the fact that cramps as well as diarrhoea and constipation can be the symptom and the result of severe gastritis . In severe cases, you would even get blurred that would be coming out from your stools .

Gastritis is normally caused by people with Pitta Constitution, which is a term that is used Ayurveda. Gastritis can be caused by a lot of things, namely food poisoning, or consuming alcohol or drugs like aspirin and steroids. There are many causes and concerns that can enable gastritis in your body, and there are certain foods that can also cause allergies to you, leading to gastritis. The variety of symptoms for gastritis are physical stress that is mainly being caused due to flu, and severe burn injuries. Also the infection due to the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is supposed to be a very important cause for gastritis.

There are many Ayurvedic treatment for gastritis, and you could use any of them in order to get rid of gastritis from your body.

1.Bitter Chamomile- from the tee of this substance is actually very effective in getting rid of gastritis, and making sure that you never encounter this disease
again, as most of it is due to stress and worry.

2.Cardamom-this typical spice that has been used in Indian food and curry for a long time can actually be held responsible for taking care of all your gastritis
needs, as it is very much beneficial for people who have gastritis, and a definite relief is felt when ingesting this spice.

3.Sandalwood- Sandalwood helps in gastritis, not as an ayurvedic drug, but only for the fact that it has a very cooling effect, that can be given to the stomach
muscles, which is already being inflamed by gastritis, and the stomach muscles can easily be soothed by the cooling effect of Sandalwood.

4.Fennel- this is actually used as a digestive ingredient by Indians all over the world. After each and every meal, that consists of spices and fatty foods,
there is a tradition of chewing some seeds of fennel. Fennel has the following feature of soothing the stomach muscles, and also facilitating dilation, and helps reduce in flatulence, and making sure that excessive acid formation does not take place in your stomach region.

5.Ginger- one of the best spices that is to be used in food all over the world, it is very effective in treating acid that is actually associated with
gastritis. It is very useful for people who consume non-vegetarian food.