You have just started your golf lessons and are very ambitious to become a more skilled golfer of your times. Though to become a better golfer you need to have a good practice and might have to spend all your free time in the golf course, there are few other things too that can decide upon your golfing skills. Golf stretching is entirely a new concept of exercise that will certainly make your golfing experience more memorable and enjoyable.

Further, in order to improve your skills in the golf course and as well as to improve your status as a successful golfer, you need to necessarily do golf stretching. Golf stretching is a yet another form of regular stretching exercise with a only difference that you will be doing the golf stretching in outdoors and you need not sit anywhere on a firm place like a floor or ground.

Golf stretching can be done even with standing posture or with a sitting posture and it is quite different from your regular stretching. Once you are on doing your golf stretching, you can see your golf skills improving and getting your targets in a precise manner and you are sure to look forward for a wonderful golf career.

In golf stretching there are many kinds and you are free to choose the one you like most or feel suitable for your type of golfing. Many successful golf players do these golf stretching before their tournaments so as to get their muscles and nerves prepared well to meet the tough task ahead and while doing the golf stretching you also stand to get your mind and body relaxed sufficiently. Further, you can also make use of this golf stretching as a warm up exercise and to have better focus on the play ahead.

Golf Stretching and its Varieties

Golf stretching is in fact the simplest form of stretching exercises and you may not need to spend more than 10 minutes to complete a set. But you should not underestimate the efficacy of the small time frame on your development, because golf stretching is the right kind of exercise that is capable of relaxing all your muscles and make you more flexible than ever. There are even people who used to practice golf stretching to get their back pains alleviated and you can also practice them with advantage if you are habitual to long driving frequently.

Out of various golf stretching types, Backswing Stretch and Lying Leg Crossover are the two common stretches that you can find many people repeatedly doing. Though there are many other types of golf stretching, you can start your golf stretching with these two types so as to get your back muscles well toned and be able to do sharper turns in your golf play. While playing golf, you need to turn your back sharply without any hip movement so as to have a better strike torque and the basic backswing golf stretching can help you to achieve this particular skill. The next lying with legs crossed over stretching can help you to get your back shoulder muscles ready for any further golf swings.

It is no doubt that playing golf is strenuous but you can make your golfing experience a pleasant one by your practicing golf stretching, as the same can help you to get your muscles relaxed and take the strain out your muscles effectively. Further you can also use the golf stretching to simply get warmed up before any extended golf plays.

[tags]Golf Stretching, Stretching Posture, PNF Technique[/tags]