A seven day programme which claims and is intended to increase the metabolism and losing extra weight is called the metabolism diet plan. It is not true to believe that reducing calories in food can increase metabolism. In fact by decreasing the amount of calories in your food brings down the rate of metabolism. If your metabolism does not know the purpose for which reduce calories, it comes slow and stores the required calories, thereby collecting more fat. A metabolism diet, though aimed at increasing your metabolic rate, is not effective in its choice.

Pros and Cons of metabolism

The importance attached, in any type of metabolism diets, is on starvation and low calorie intake. When you control calories in your food, weight loss, becomes difficult. Several factors contribute to the failure of metabolism diets along with muscle loss and imbalance of hormones.

A few people believe that these diets are effective on account of sudden weight loss. Taking a low calorie diet makes the body split your muscle tissue for its daily supply of fuel. Then, the proteins that are broken down release nitrogen that is washed away by the water of tissue cells. In this process you lose sufficient weight.

The negative aspect of a metabolism diet is that the loss of muscle and water is not good. Loss of muscles sets the body for a prolonged slow rate metabolism. Water weight can be recovered by drinking any liquid. Hence the total low calorie food is only a time wasting thing.

Another issue with metabolism diet is that a large number of people cannot withstand a prolonged starvation programme. Once dispirited they go back to their old eating styles. Thus they get back whatever weight they have lost.

The worst aspect of low calories diet is that you regain fat once you stop the diet after losing fat and muscle. In other words you will have more fat and less muscle even if your weight is the same as before the diet. You will have a slower metabolism require low calories. Thus many people have doubled their weight after metabolism diet.

Metabolism diet is not the right way to lose weight. Consult the doctor who can increase or decrease some foods and nutrients according to the disorder. Metabolism increase is best obtained by building lean muscles through exercise and a healthy diet. This is because muscles burn up fats even while you sit, sleep or relax.