Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may seem very remote, but it would be rather very disappointing for you to know that this disorder contributes to every 1 out of 3 psychiatric disorders. Believed to be more of a brain disorder of a physiological type, it is revealing to know that genes also play a part in this disorder. This depressing disorder found right from childhood makes children experience great difficulty in paying constant attention to tasks on hand with impulsive action, behavior and thoughts.
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ADHD children having behavioral disorders in all areas of life may have difficulties for not only concentrating in school and completing class and home assignments, but may also have difficulties in following instructions. Misplacing not just things of daily use, these children may be uncomfortably intrusive and could look immature and silly. Wrongly perceived as trouble makers, children with ADHD could find it very difficult to follow instructions given and require repetition by parents and teachers for the silliest of tasks. However you would find that each child may be peculiar in his/her own way and may show one or more of the characteristics of the disorder.
Does homeopathy help in ADHD pick a homeopathy remedy for ADHD
Understanding the principle of homeopathy you would know that this system of medicine believes that like cures like, or that ADHD would have to be cured with remedies that create the same problem. However this remedy would be in the least diluted form. It is best for you to understand that it is this small dose that creates similar symptoms, and this thereby prepares the affected persons immune system to fight the symptoms produced and eliminate the existing symptoms. Use of homeopathy to cure ADHD showed good and effective results.
The use of Stramonium, a homeopathy remedy for ADHD proves effective in eliminating fear of dark and being alone and proves very effective in controlling violent and aggressive behavior like kicking, biting, striking, hitting and using of threatening language. Cina is another homeopathy remedy that is strongly indicated for disobedient, cross and aggressive children. Found very effective for fidgety, restless and fretful children, Cina proves very effective in adamant children to calm them and facilitate concentration and thinking.
You could find a good choice in the homeopathy remedy for ADHD, Zincum metallium, that is best indicated for children that are not just restless and fidgety, but also are overly nervous having convulsions, irritability and jerks. This homeopathy remedy can be effectively used for those that feel highly nervous and guilty of having committed a crime that many children with ADHD could experience.
Another effective homeopathy remedy for ADHD, namely Hyoscyamus has been successfully used in children that are not just difficult but lack impulse control. You would find these children having episodes of rage and madness like hitting, slamming and screaming in the midst of continuous talk and action. Some of these symptoms resembling ADHD most children may try to attract attention by their action and words with them at times even being obscene and vulgar.
The efficiency of the homeopathy remedy for ADHD, Ferrum metallium that can be used for cure of sluggish brains that find it difficult to assimilate thought and are generally very strong willed and not adaptable of new creative thoughts cannot be overlooked. You could also find an effective remedy in Kali bromatum that helps bring about calmness in restless children that detest just sitting in one place and want to be doing something aggressive like throwing, hitting and smashing with their hands.
You could definitely help your child with finding a homeopathy remedy for ADHD.