Search results “neck”

What Is Pulsatile Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition where the person perceives abnormal sounds ?u?h ?? clicking, hissing, ringing, clicking, roaring, chirping and other noise. Usually the noise only exists in the sufferers head and no one else can hear it. Depending on the… Continue Reading →

Tinnitus Causes And To Detect It Early

Tinnitus may be pronounced as either “tin-NY-tus” or “Tin-uh-tus”. The truth of the matter is that the pronunciation is usually the least of any tinnitus sufferer’s worries. This is a condition where that is a constant, continuous or intermittent sound… Continue Reading →

Tonsillitis Symptoms in Babies

Occurrence of Tonsillitis in Babies Tonsillitis occurs more often in babies and only at rare cases in adults. Tonsillitis in babies should be noted in earlier stages itself and proper treatments should be taken. It is difficult for the Doctor… Continue Reading →

Why do I get acne around my mouth?

Acne around the mouth could be irritating and even lower your self-esteem greatly. This acne is not necessarily caused due to oily skin and dead skin cells, but due to other reasons. Some of the prominent reasons could be leaning… Continue Reading →

Symptoms of Swollen Glands in Throat

Swollen glands are nothing but the enlargement of the lymph nodes or just the lymph glands. The lymph nodes are generally a small and bean shaped group of lymphatic tissues. They are just a subsystem of the lymphatic system which… Continue Reading →

How common is Throat Cancer

When the cells in the organs that are used for speaking, breathing and swallowing divides abnormally and goes out of control then throat cancer occurs. Throat cancer usually will begin on vocal chords which will later spread to the voice… Continue Reading →

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