When the cells in the organs that are used for speaking, breathing and swallowing divides abnormally and goes out of control then throat cancer occurs. Throat cancer usually will begin on vocal chords which will later spread to the voice box known as larynx. It will then spread to the throat back portion which includes the tonsils and the tongue collectively known as pharynx. In some cases it may also occur on sub glottis voice box and trachea. The earlier symptom of this throat cancer is some sensation of hoarseness in voice. Some of the common names of throat cancer are pharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, vocal chord cancer and glottis cancer. Also throat cancer is generally the cancer of the oropharynx, nasopharynx, nyopharynx and larynx.

How common is Throat Cancer

1.As per the survey records, about 24000 to 39000 people were affected by this throat cancer every year in United States. Out of these affected people, about
12000 patients were found to be affected by cancer in the vocal chords.

2.Also it is found that about 12,290 people had laryngeal cancer and about 12,610 people had pharyngeal cancer.

3.Apart from this, the observed death rate due to the laryngeal cancer was about 3660. The death rate due to pharyngeal cancer was about 2230.

4.Also about 3 to 5 percentage of the general cancer cases in United States was found to be with throat cancers.

5.The main cause for throat cancer is smoking. Also people who drink alcohol more and also adapted to smoking habit are at high risk of cancer. The other common
reasons for throat cancer to occur are efficiency of vitamin A and certain kinds of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection.

6.The throat cancer commonly occurs to the patients at the age of above 40.

7.Also men have more risk of about 10 times greater than the risk for women to have throat cancer.

8.Throat cancer is also associated with certain other types of cancers. About 15% of cancer patients have more chances of getting diseased with cancer at lung,
esophagus or lung.

9.Occurrence rates of throat cancer can vary from country to country due to the variances in exposure of risk factors.
Symptoms and Signs of Throat Cancer

10.Pain in ear and blood coughing.

11.Continuous sore throat.

12.Pain or swelling at the neck area.

13.Raspy breathing or wheezing.

14.Weight loss regularly.

15.Swallowing difficulty and voice tone change.

16.Harshness lasting more than for one week.