Difficulties of the ear

The most widely known purpose of the ear is hearing, but it also has the important function of balance and equilibrium. Difficulties of the ear involve hearing, the balance mechanism and the external ear.

Deformity of External Ear. The shape of the ear is quite variable and of slight importance in actual hearing ability. Huge or oddly formed ears can be a source of embarrassment, but rarely interfere with work or real hearing. An example is cauliflower ear deformity, which faintly resembles the surface of cauliflower. It is caused by bleeding and clot formation under the skin with resulting permanent deformity. Loss of hearing is slight and plastic surgery can achieve very good cosmetic results which are seldom appreciated.

Infection. Most infections of the external ear are fungus infections or eczema. (See skin diseases). They are prevented largely through cleanliness and by avoiding the use of frequently used medicine and healing agents. Routine gentle cleaning of the ears, inside and out, is recommended as prevention against skin infections, but an ear or skin disease which does not respond in two or three weeks to simple cleansing, might be serious and should be seen by a physician.

Skin Cancer. Skin cancers about the ear have long been noted for their confusing appearance. The ear may be the seat of many chronic infections, but skin cancer about the earshell is also quite common. The ear’s exposed position openly invites irritation from sunlight, chemicals, windburn and many other agents. Any external ear sore over two weeks old, might be a cancer and should be seen by the physician. (See Skin Diseases).