In whole of US, only very few infants are born with some kind of heart malformation or some defects in blood vessels and if you consider the percentage of occurrence, it will not be more than one percent. There is every possibility for infants born with adult congenital heart disease to live a long and productive life if proper treatment in given at the right time.

Persons who have adult congenital heart disease should be grouped first based on their physiology and anatomy and treatment schedules should be devised based on each and every individual. You can also keep in your mind that there is one Mayo Adult Congenital Heart Disease Clinic situated in Rochester, Minnesota, which has dedicated cardiologists and nurses who give quality healthcare to people suffering from adult congenital heart disease and make their life worthy to live.

The coronary condition and the physiology will always be different and delicate for different persons and hence it is necessary that the treatment schedule should be decided based on each and every individual person suffering from adult congenital heart disease and any failure to look at the disease in this angle may lead to disastrous results.

The importance of Treatment and Education

Some four to five decades before, the life prospects of children born with adult congenital heart disease was very short, but today it is very high and there are reported cases of even people with adult congenital heart disease living beyond their age of 40 and more.

The first ever open heart surgery to cure the congenital heart defects was in fact performed by the Mayo Adult Congenital Heart Disease Clinic and the clinic today has earned a remarkable name in treating adult congenital heart disease and for the quality of healthcare.

Adult congenital heart disease normally manifests with symptoms such as atrial septic defect or a murmur in heart. Any light heart murmur may be treated with relative treatments, but in extreme cases, there may be a need for an open-heart surgery to seal the defect.

The adult congenital heart disease is related to the heart valve and hence the severity in its malfunction should be determined for deciding on the treatment schedule and only a continued monitoring of the condition alone can help in deciding at whether any surgical intervention is required to repair the valve. Sometimes there may be a necessity to replace the valve itself wither with synthetic artificial valves or with living tissues to set right the valve functions.

The most significant part or the point that has to be borne in mind is that the affected person should be immediately given with proper treatment on an ongoing basis and should be monitored regularly. Infants born with such heart condition can never get healed on their own and they can neither lead a normal life like other healthy kids either. It is important, as a responsible parent, that you should give an immediate and a properly devised treatment to your child and the treatment should be based on your child s physiology for your child s very survival.

[tags]Congenital Heart Disease, Physiology, Monitoring[/tags]