Low Carb Diets – You Should Know These Litte Side Effects

Today many people have become more health conscious and they are also turning their attention towards low carb diets. Though there are few associated side effects or risks in following the low carb diet programme, many people tend to ignore them due to the other positive effects of such low carb diet on their body and soul and still other people prefer to endure the side effects simply for the beneficial aspects of the low carb diets.

However, as per the popular adage forewarned is four armed, it is better you get to know few of the possible side effects of a low carb diet so as to get ready to tackle such problems as and when they arise.

The main aim of any low carb diet is to make you to lose your body weight by burning the stored fat at various points of your body. Whenever you are on a low carb diet, your body mechanism will start burning your fat accumulations for its daily energy requirements and this will effectively reduce your body fat and your body weight. Any human body will first look for the easy assimilating carbs for its energy and only in its absence, it will start burning the fat deposits for energy.

Few Side Effects Worth Mentioning

When it comes to commonly known side effects of low carb diets, the list may be little big. The more pronounced or the commonest of all is the hair loss and this could happen both in men and women. Further the persons who are under the low carb diet programmes can also have bad breath, frequent headache, and leg cramps in severe cases. But the fortunate aspect is that not all people will get affected by side effects, as the low carb diet produce different effects on different persons at different points of time.

If you can take a closer look at the possible causes for such side effects, then you may be better informed and you can start off your low carb diet more confidently.

Majority of bad breath is not caused from mouth condition but from the condition of the stomach of a person. When there is a stomach upset due to indigestion or anything else, then it may result in bad breath. You can learn to stop your bad breath or at least to mask it by using parsley or basil. Further consumption of lot of water can ward off the bad breath side effect of the low carb diet.

Lack of fiber in your diet can cause constipation in you and if you can take care of this point and note to increase your daily intake of diet fibers and water, then you can handle your constipation problem caused due to low carb diet.

The normal cause for headache is dehydration and it may also indicative of caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Hence, if you experience headache during your low carb diet programme, try to drink lot of water and in extreme cases take a cup of green tea.

Hair loss is a sure side effect of a low carb diet and this is due to the sudden shock of reduced carbohydrates and other nutrients absence in your body. You can offset your hair loss by taking mineral supplements and other multi-vitamin tablets.

Cramps, especially leg cramps, are the outcome of magnesium, calcium and potassium deficiency in your body. Take care to consume additional dosages of these vitamins and minerals by way of supplements along with your low carb diet.

People who are under low carb diet programmes find their body getting adjusted to such side effects in a short time, say within two to three weeks. Now for having known the remedies, you need not allow the vagaries of the low carb diet prevent you from trying it.