Seven ways to Lose Weight Quickly
Holidays are mostly spent in eating more and more food and adding calorie laden cocktails and desserts. Neighbors drop in with cookie gift baskets. Though you can not resist this you want to fit into that 8 size dress and attend parties and host gatherings. It is a paradox that we want to look good and at the same time make merry. This is the proper time to lose weight and look great as the New Year approaches. Here are the seven ways to shed weight quickly.
If you combine all these methods compulsorily into your daily diet you will surely shed your extra weight. You may have to develop new habits so far not familiar to you. But these seven ways work and it will be a new way of waiting for you. It will pay you rich dividends for the rest of your life.
1. Eat five or six meals a day instead of three large meals. You will not be hungry and your stomach will shrink. You will eat less in the course of the day. Choose healthy, less fat foods.
2. Before eating drink a glass of lemon juice. The water will give you a sense of fullness and clean up your kidneys and flush out toxins. It fives a glowing skin and enhances your appearance in that LBO.
3. Eat slowly as those who eat less and slowly live longer than that who gulps down volumes of food. This method is very effective and acts quickly. The water starts the digestive system and slow eating give a satisfactory sense to the stomach about the quantum of food taken.
4. Eat small portions of everything. Dont fool yourself and believe that a large steak wont hurt anything. On the other hand taste every bite of 4oz position following rules 1 through 3. The satisfaction from that small portion on would be quite amazing.
5. Eat plenty of fiber a huge plate of vegetables for one meal. Insoluble fiber requires more calories buzzed than you eat in digestion. This is one of the healthiest and painless ways to lose weight quickly. Use some of the inventive seasonings on the supermarket shelf and eat those vegetables.
6. Dont eat fatty meats and fried foods. Eat plenty of your favorite fish. Opt for skinned, broiled chicken and lean pork cuts according to your taste.
7. Last but not the least exercise regularly to lose weight fast. Stick to the exercise regimen religiously. Get your house into ship shape for holidays. Vacuum clean it. Apply vigorous elbow grease to ovens, frig and bathrooms.
Paste these guidelines for loss of weight on the fridge at the eye level and you are ready for the holidays and beyond.