Anxiety in children

Anxiety is not just the arena of adults only, for about 15% of the children are born with very anxious temperaments, with younger children fearing darkness, separation from parents, strangers, and monsters. These fears could gradually change to fears of social acceptance, academic and sports performance and experience fears of the dark, and monsters, and could also be aggravated with parental conflict, unexpected death of a close family member, extended separations from parents, and other traumatic experiences. Anxiety though healthy in certain situations to bring about beneficial and prompt action, it could be detrimental to some children and turn into violent tantrums and defiant behavior.

Natural anxiety remedies for children

1.Your child is important to you, so never dismiss his/her feelings, for it is quite normal to feel anxious and stressed. Dismissing it would only make the
child lose his/her sense of self-esteem. I am sure that you realize the comfort you feel when you air out your negative thoughts and emotions and get an empathic listening. Emphatic listening would not only help your child to open out, but also help to identify his/her feelings. Communicating to your child how people express different emotions and feelings and that it is vital to understand the feelings of others would help as a natural remedy for anxiety.

2.It is much easily said than done, for children find it very difficult to communicate all their feelings and problems, with some simply bottling them up and getting more anxious. This calls for empathic listening and observation of actions either directly or indirectly. Being judgmental, critical, or asking unwanted questions would only challenge the inner self of your child and lead to low self-esteem and confidence. You as a parent could offer no better helping strategies than with comforting and soothing the child to feel secure and comfortable. Verbal reassurances with singing, cuddling, rocking, singing and holding could prove soothing, with anxious children needing more of love and soothing experiences than others.

3.You would find that many parents have found natural anxiety remedies for children in teaching them ways to relax and feel better. This has helped children to rule over the anxieties slowly but surely. Children could be encouraged to practice slow deep breathing exercises and count till 10 slowly till they see their source of anxiety disappear. Your anxious child could also find benefit in alternatively tensing and relaxing his/her muscles. In addition you could use the imagination of your child to instill peaceful and calm thoughts, this being best done with making your child imagine a relaxing place and then experiencing the peaceful and calm thoughts in his/her body.

4.It is quite possible that your childs anxiety could be due to pessimistic or negative thinking with thoughts such as diffidence, opposition, anger and irritability, with this finding their remedies in encouraging as well taking part in positive activities that your child likes. This could be doing a favorite activity like reading an interesting story book, playing a favorite game or with a favorite toy, going for an interesting outing or just playing with ones best friends and family members. Young children may need assistance from family members initially.

As a final note, learning about natural anxiety remedies for children requires teaching them ways to find best solutions to their anxiety problems, with giving them an assurance of your help and guidance.