If you consider both heart and kidneys they are physically separated by quite a good distance within your body and are known to perform varied functions and it is apparent that kidney and heart diseases are totally unrelated. Disease of kidneys relates to excretory system, where as disease of heart is related to cardio-vascular system. However, there is a hidden close relationship between these two organs and a disease in your kidneys can trigger a disease in your heart.
Probabilities and Possibilities of Links
1. Kidney and heart disease link no 1: Production of Red blood cells In your body for formation of red blood cells within bone marrow, a hormone by name erythropoietin is needed and this particular hormone is secreted by your kidneys.
Whenever some disease affects your kidney, then the vital hormone erythropoietin production will be stopped leading to stoppage of red blood cells production.
Shortage of red blood cells will reduce your blood s capacity to carry oxygen and this will lead to anemia. Due to anemic condition your heart will start pumping more to offset the shortage of oxygen supply to various cells and eventually due to extra load your heart s walls will get thickened and lose its efficiency and lead to a condition by name left ventricular hypertrophy or LVH in medical circles. LVH is highly capable of causing death in all age groups and in both genders.
2. Kidney and heart disease link no 2: Blood Pressure Regulation – Renin is an enzyme produced by kidneys that take care to regulate your blood pressure. In the event of any damage to your kidneys, your kidney will start producing more of renin enzyme that in turn increases your blood pressure to an alarming proportion. And you may be aware that a high blood pressure has got the potential to damage your heart and lead to heart attacks.
3. Kidney and heart disease link no 3: Artery wall thickening – Your kidneys are responsible for maintaining a safe level of calcium and phosphorus levels in your blood and in case of diseased kidneys or damage to your kidneys, this calcium-phosphorus balance will go haywire and the excess calcium and phosphorus will get deposited over the inner side artery walls making it thick and inefficient to allow free flow of blood. And you may be aware that such condition can cause coronary heart diseases and you will be in a high-risk group of getting heart attacks.
4. Kidney and heart disease link no 4: Excess levels of homocysteine amino acid Your kidneys are known to regulate this particular homocysteine amino-acid levels in your body and any excess quantity will be effectively removed by your kidneys then and there.
In the event of your kidneys getting affected by some disease, this homocysteine regulation process will take a beating leading to excess accumulation in your blood. This homocysteine is capable of getting deposited over the inner walls of arteries there by leading to a block and blood clots inside your arteries. And again you may be aware that blocked arteries can cause strokes and heart attacks.