When it comes to causes of coronary heart disease there are various environmental and genetic factors besides your behaviour and lifestyle that influence onset of coronary heart disease. The purpose of this article is to discuss few of the most common causes of coronary heart disease. Though coronary heart diseases are varied in nature, the intended purpose of this article will be restricted to fatty plaque formation in arteries, which is otherwise known as atherosclerosis.

In US alone around 50 percent of the deaths are due to atherosclerosis and hence a good knowledge about the various causes of coronary heart disease can certainly help you in avoiding few major risk factors.

Genetics Factor

In the first instance get to know whether any of your relative such as your mother, siblings, etc., down the family tree had suffered from heart disease. And in case of affirmative answer, there may be a likelihood that you may also stand a very fair chance of contracting the coronary heart disease.

Age Factor

Though it is a myth that the risk of getting coronary heart disease is more, as you become older, you cannot just ignore this information, and it is better you consult your doctor on a regular basis, as you grow old.

Presence of High Cholesterol

Presence of Cholesterol in blood at a higher level can cause sticky fatty plaques in arteries and that can serve as a primary cause of coronary heart disease. With regard to cholesterol, there are two types namely LDL and HDL, and out of these two, the LDL is considered as bad and it should be your endeavour to keep this LDL as low as possible in your blood. Keep a strict diet control and take fresh fruits and vegetables and make it a habit to adhere to the medication regularly.

High Blood Pressure Complication

Hypertension, which is otherwise known as high blood pressure, is a yet another major cause of coronary heart disease. A high blood pressure can cause damage to your arteries by formation of plaques. If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure then you should make it a point to get yourself checked regularly and learn to keep your blood pressure under control through various means such as weight reduction, exercise, and taking proper medication regularly.

Type 2 Diabetes

Heart disease has got a direct relation to type 2 diabetes and hence a diabetic patient should get their blood glucose level checked regularly and keep it under control. Ascertain from your doctor the tolerable level of blood sugar and note to maintain this level without any compromise.

Your doctor is the right person to save you form any heart-related complications and hence it is a must for you to keep in touch with your doctor regularly and follow the prescriptions without fail.

[tags]High Blood Pressure, Plaques, Hypertension[/tags]