There is no denying that indoor fountains have a certain charm about them and people love them in their home. While they are nice to look at, is this something you really want to have in your home? We are going to look at some of the reasons you may want to reconsider making this type of purchase.

A Distraction

We have to admit that the sound of flowing water does help, you down and reduce stress. It is a very relaxing sound two-year in the background. However, how long would you be comfortable hearing this noise for? Indoor fountains make a constant noise as the water is always recycling and never-ending. If you work from home or have homework, the sound may actually make you lose your concentration. In addition, if you are an individual who is easily distracted you may become mesmerized with the moving water and not get any work done.


An indoor fountain is going to release of aberration into the air of your home. Now, depending upon where you live this may be a good thing or a bad thing. If you happen to live in a humid area, the atmosphere in your home is going to become rather uncomfortable. In fact, the humidity levels may become so high that you need to use a dehumidifier to remove all of the moisture in the air.

Indoor Fountain

Safety Concerns

The vast majority of indoor fountains are quite safe according to Luxe Water Walls. However, even when you are as careful as can be accidents can still happen. Having a large full of water in the home can be dangerous to children and pets. Either may become curious and place their heads into the pool. In addition, larger indoor fountains are rather heavy once they have been filled with water. If the fountain is lifted and falls on an individual it could cause serious harm.


One of the biggest risks of owning an indoor fountain is its ability to spring a leak. If too much water is placed into the basin, it may splash out and create a wet floor. Or, the basin could crack and not be able to contain the water within it. In either case, this can create serious conditions in the house. If too much water spills out of the fountain the floor may get ruined. Or, if the situation goes unnoticed for an extended period of time the foundation could be damaged. If you have a basement, the water could be down and room possessions that are being stored.

There is no question that owning an indoor fountain can be great. Many people do not feel that the noise is distracting at all and they take precautions against safety and leak issues. However, one still should seriously consider these issues before they purchase a fountain. You do not want to put that much money out on an indoor fountain only to find some unexpected surprises that you do not like. Being informed and researching the product you want to buy is essential. If you do plan on purchasing a fountain, be sure it is a high quality.