From time immemorial healing herbs have been very popular among generations of people in healing symptoms of diseases and discomforts. The earliest known book on herbal medicine dates back to 2700 BC written by a Chinese herbalist it lists about 365 herbal remedies along with their application. Another book written by an Egyptian way back in 100 BC on healing herbs had also become popular. This book features the use of garlic, castor oil, opium, mint and other type of herbs.
Today, a lot of interest is generated in different sectors by healing herbs. It is a fact that certain herbs take care of symptoms and cure some diseases. Though a few doctors argue against the use of herbs there are many who acknowledge the healing properties of herbs. Many physicians believe in the healing properties of herbs in curing certain diseases. They are much worried about the misuse of these herbs for healing. Excessive use of certain types of herbal products could lead to kidney and liver damage.
Using Healing Herbs
Before using healing herbs to get relief from your discomfort, the best thing to do is to consult your doctor about it first. Do not approach your herbalist directly for herbs to relieve your discomfort. Though they say that the herbs are natural products and have no side effects, you have to be more cautious about consuming them. Be careful as you know that every action has an equivalent and opposite reaction.
If your doctor is against the use of healing herbs seek for a second opinion. Conduct some research and know more about the type of disease that you have and the type of healing herbs that could relieve and cure you. With all the facts at your disposal, have a discussion with your doctor. Be honest and sincere in your discussion. Do not hide any facts from the doctor. This will save you from a lot of troubles later and make you free from disease or disaster.