Black marks on the face can be extremely unpleasant and can mar the physical appearance of the sufferer in a massive way. However, some simple and effective treatments for black marks can be carried out from the comfort of your home. They are completely natural, and, hence, are devoid of side effects.

Some Beneficial Tips to remove Black Marks on the Face:

Although a wide plethora of skin-lightening creams are available in the market, it is always advisable to follow home remedies to achieve desired results.

• Make a mixture of lemon juice and brewed chamomile tea. Allow the mixture to rest in a container, and with the help of a cotton ball, dab it on the affected region twice daily. Over a period of time, the black marks will lighten and fade.

• Exfoliate your skin at regular intervals. This softens the black marks on the skin surface. Make sure to scrub your face thrice weekly. This rejuvenates the skin and ensures a radiant glow. For enhanced skin protection, you can use a sunscreen with an adequate sun protection formula.

• Chop parsley to fine bits and combine it with the juice of a large lemon. Dab the mixture on the areas affected with black marks. This is an effective remedy to deal with black marks and dark spots.

• Citrus fruits are extremely efficient in treating black marks. With the help of a Q-tip or cotton ball, you can apply the juice and pulp of citrus fruits to the affected areas. Apply it by gently massaging it in. Let the skin rest for a short period. Citrus fruits have high content of Vitamin C, which is a natural and effective bleaching agent. Lemon is one citrus fruit that has umpteen healing properties.

• Application of milk on dark spots and black marks has its own set of advantages. Buttermilk would make a good choice because it is rich in lactic acid. Milk lightens the region with negligible irritation.

• Honey is also a good bet. Apply honey to the affected regions and rest for 20 minutes. Rinse the region thoroughly. Honey has tremendous healing properties, which ensure healthy and supple skin. Combining honey with wheat germ is another potent method to lighten the skin with no irritation.

• Apply oil enriched with Vitamin E to treat the black marks. The oil should penetrate the skin effectively. Commence your routine activities with the oil on. If greasiness is a problem, you can apply oil before going to bed and rinse it the next morning.

Although most of the abovementioned remedies can effectively treat black marks and dark spots, it is always advisable to prevent the formation of black marks on the skin by not picking the pimples.