Amino acids, a specific cluster of molecules in the human body, contain proteins while acting as the actual building blocks of all proteins. Amino acid metabolism consists in the essential amino acids entering the body through nutrients in some types of food and being converted into energy or those naturally produced by the body itself.

Essential amino acids are twenty in number including Histidine most important in children, Lysine, Valine and Threonine and others. For professional athletics amino acid metabolism is specially significant and also for those who enjoy rigorous exercise.

Increase of Amino Acid Metabolism

The best method to boost amino acid metabolism is to take foods rich in amino acids or to a limited extent, take amino acid supplements. Most important types of amino acids can be remembered or memorized through the phrase “Private Tim Hall” or “PVT Tim Hall” where each letter stands for the first letter of an amino acid.

Consult your doctor or a nutritionist before taking amino acid supplements. It is so very crucial and significant because many foods we take are already rich in amino acids and we are ignorant of this as nutrition labels do not confirm this.

Milk and eggs are some products rich in amino acids increasing amino acid metabolism. In milk we have eight of the twenty essential amino acids. The egg white is the richest part of amino acids and can be taken raw or in cooked form.

Amino Acid Supplements – Good

It is always better to follow natural diet habits increasing the in take of amino acids whenever possible. Every food item has eight essential amino acids, the body can produce the other 12 bringing the total to 20 essential amino acids.

So many nutritionists opine that no supplements in the form of pills or powder may be taken by those who have some kind of physical activity and have a balanced diet. Mild side effects may be caused in some cases like fatigue, drowsiness as in the case of Tryptophan.