Herbs that grow for more than one season are called perennial herbs. People want to grow them because they can plant herbs once instead of planting them every year unlike annual herbs.

Perennial Herbs, Survivors

Hardy perennial herbs survive the cold winter weather and grow the next year. But tender perennial herbs can with stand mild winter with more protection during extreme winter weather. Some perennials are treated like the annual plants if they are planted in extreme cold weather. They have to be replanted every year.

You can protect tender perennials in winter by covering it with a thick layer of mulch during the cold season. In winter perennials lie in active and appear to be dead. But actually the roots are alive and they become active and grow in warm weather.

Find out the planting zone were you like. This plays an important part in caring for the needs of the plants. In warmer climates, perennial herbs have a longer growing season while in colder climates they require special care during different seasons.

Herbs Indoors or Outdoors

Herbs can be grown indoor or outdoors. Your herb garden can be maintained conveniently with the help of hydroponics. Herbs can be grown in a window sill or in pots taking them out in day time and bringing them back by night.

Convenient size

Most of the herbs do not grow taller than 12 inches in height and are an excellent choice for a small indoor garden or growing in small containers. You can even plant them outside the door for easy use and gathering. The fragrance by the door is a pleasant bonus for you.

List of Common Perennial Herbs

These are the common perennial herbs that can be planted in your garden. Sweet marjoram parsley, mint, sage, thyme, chives, aloe vera, chamomile, cardamom, chicory, coriander, ginger, fennel, tarragon, horseradish, lavender, rosemary, savory, sweet cicely, sweet woodruff, wood betony and others.

Some herbs should be replaced as they become old and their best years are over. Lavender should be replaced after six years and thyme after three years.

Hardy perennials allow a low maintenance herbal garden. By understanding the needs of perennial herbs it is easy to care and enjoy your plants. Perennial herbs add character to any garden or home.