Stretching is a kind of exercise that helps you to stay in shape and flexible enough to do all your daily chores without any reservation. However, there are people who could not move freely due to certain ailments or medical conditions, and when such people like to do stretching exercises then they may find it difficult to perform them. Similarly overweight and obese people may also find it difficult to perform stretching exercise, and for such people use of stretching chair can come very handy.

People who have got limited capabilities as mentioned above, will certainly be able to find the role or use of stretching chair helpful to do their quota of exercises on a daily basis. The main criteria that you should look for in a stretching chair is that it should support the weight of the person or persons intend to use it and the chair should have been properly balanced to assist the people in their stretching exercise. You should also understand that stretching chairs are also used by people for doing yoga and Pilates, and hence the stretching chair you are looking for should be able to support and assist you in all your stretching postures so as to help you achieve the desirable results in a meaningful manner.

Find the Right Type of Stretching Chair

The stretching chair that you look for should be stable and be able to support your weight and the weight of other probable persons who may use the chair besides you. As the stretching chair should be firm and stable, you should never settle for a plastic chair but you can go for a good quality wooden chair that will suffice the purpose. You can also ensure that the base of the stretching chair is not very wide, as the same may hinder with few stretching exercises. Further, whenever you do few specific stretching exercise facing the backrest of the chair and slide your legs little too far, there may be a chance for you to get injured due to the wider base of the chair.

Do Your Stretching Right

Before you could start your stretching exercise, you should first understand that unless you do your stretching exercise properly and in a right manner, you may not reap the desired results and there is also a likelihood of damaging your muscles in the event of your doing the exercise wrongly. Further, in order to attain beneficial results you must keep your muscles in a relaxed manner before you could resort to any stretching exercise and you can learn all the favourable things through DVDs or by engaging an instructor during your initial learning stages.

Another basic requirement in any stretching exercise is that you should be able to evaluate the implications and the influence of your physical attributes such as height or weight, as these factors can also alter the efficacy and benefits favorably or unfavorably.

You can also do stretching exercise before and after your other regular workouts and exercise programs and such stretching exercise will help you to get your tense muscles relaxed and flexible once again. Commencing and ending your regular workouts abruptly can be harmful, as your muscles may not be in a relaxed state to meet to the demands of strenuous workouts and hence make it as a routine to do stretching exercise before and after your regular exercise programs.

[tags]Tendon, Stretching Chair, Pilates[/tags]