Kidney diseases include stones in kidneys, severe kidney infections, cancerous growths in kidneys, inflammatory issues in kidneys and kidney failure. Kidney problems commence with minor infection in the kidney leading to further deterioration of the whole kidney mechanism and ultimately resulting in kidney failure.
At times, even wrong medication can be one of the reasons for kidney problems. However, with the easy availability of home remedies for kidney diseases along with other alternative therapies, it has become possible to combat chronic kidney complications with much ease.
Handy Home Remedies for Kidney Disease
Except for acute kidney disorders in which surgery is indispensable, the following home remedies prove to be effectual to most kidney patients. In addition to being cost-friendly, these treatments are also completely harmless that is free from detrimental consequences or after effects. Few of the most widely accepted home remedies for kidney disease that you can try are:
(a) Hoelen is a medicinal herb that prevents the development of abrasions in kidneys. Daily dosage of about 6 gms of this herb in dehydrated form will give unbelievable results
(b) Marshmallow root tea is another very effective home remedy for kidney disease. It is a natural purifier and when consumed on a regular basis, it can cure kidney issues and curb further damage
(c) When you consume 0.7 g of Uva Ursi or 2 g of Abuta regularly for 2 weeks, the bleeding that occurs in kidney disease can be plugged permanently
(d) Bupleurum is a herbal restorer of proteins (lost during the kidney ailment) and initiates the cell renewal process in the kidney
(e) One teaspoon of honey and basil juice is also an effective home remedy for kidney disease
(f) Herbs such as Varuna, Shigru, Apamarg and Punarnava are excellent to revive kidney functioning
(g) Aloevera gel or juice when taken on a regular basis, works as a detoxifying agent. It cleanses the kidneys, flushes out toxins and aids in its normal functioning. High on essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, Aloevera speeds up the healing process in more ways than one
Besides pursuing herbal home remedies for kidney diseases, you need to take certain precautionary measures for its speedy recovery such as avoidance of poultry products (fish, meat and chicken), green vegetables and dairy products that are rich sources of calcium, as they form stones in kidneys by raising the uric acid level of the body. Abstinence from consumption of liquor, sugar and salt and following a liquid diet are also equally significant factors in restoring the good health of the kidneys.