Thyroid is the largest endocrine gland in human body which secretes two hormones-thyroxin (T4) and triodothyronine (T3) – both responsible for the bodys metabolic activity. Any imbalances in production and regulation of these hormones result in over production (Hyperthyroidism) or lower production (Hypothyroidism), both detrimental to health. Whereas the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism include loss of weight, muscle weakness, insomnia, joint pains, the symptoms of Hypothyroidism are weight gain, constipation, hair loss, hoarse voice, puffy eyes and depression.

Although, doctors prescribe thyroxine sodium tablets to patients suffering from thyroid problems, alternative cure or natural remedies are being widely used to deal with this problem effectively. Alternative medicine takes a holistic approach for the treatment of any health problem or disorder. Hence, a majority of people are resorting to natural cures to address their health issues. Besides being simple, effective, cost-efficient, natural therapies and cures aim at uprooting the underlying cause of the problem. Some of the herbal remedies for thyroid problems are listed below.

Herbal treatment for thyroid problems: Helpful Remedies

Iodine is regarded as the most important mineral for normal thyroid functioning. Therefore, you should increase your intake of foods rich in iodine. To start with, it is highly recommended to use iodine fortified salt for cooking. Include food items such as baked potatos, cooked beans, boiled eggs and canned tuna in your daily diet. Moreover, inclusion of sea vegetables such as nori, kelp, hijike, arame, wakame, and kombu will nourish the thyroid.

Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes and mustard greens are also helpful in balancing the thyroid hormones. Black walnuts and primrose oil are also extremely useful remedies for thyroid problems.

Zinc and copper also play a pivotal role in the production of thyroid hormones and effective functioning of the thyroid gland. Both Zinc and Copper work as a pair and aid in keeping thyroid disorders at bay. Zinc rich foods are pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseed, pine nuts and oysters. Liver, eggs, nuts, legumes, lobster, sun dried tomatoes and chocolate are rich in copper.

Moreover, selenium also assists in activating thyroid hormones. Eat foods rich in selenium such as Brazil nuts, asparagus, garlic, grains and mushrooms. Other vitamins essential for healthy thyroid functioning are vitamin A, B, C and E.

In addition to the above mentioned herbal remedies for thyroid problems, homeopathic medicines can also impart a positive impact in treating this disorder. You can also try Aromatherapy as it is known to be is equally efficacious in regulating the thyroid hormones. Last but not the least, exercise daily for 30 minutes to stimulate the metabolism and avoid stress since undue stress aggravates the malfunctioning of thyroid glands.