The distress of this stuffy nose makes me crazy, making me want to take a dagger and hit the life out of it, it was nothing more than the cry of a neighbor that had been subject to the agonies of a stuffed nose very often. She felt it made it difficult to look after her young children and balance a life with work and home. Well, colds and stuffy nose look like harmful disorders that just come and go, but could sometimes make you real crazy and depressed.

Come winter or change is seasons, many fall a prey to the disorder, stuffy nose that is caused by colds, allergies and infections. Facing a mental and physical torture it is quite distressing for those that suffer from pollen allergies and infections to be constantly subject to nasal congestions. Stuffy nose that is caused with thick mucus and tissues that are swollen the lining of the nose and inflamed blood vessels could also be accompanied with heaviness in the head and general feeling of sickness. It is true to say that you could neither sleep well nor breathe clearly and feel fresh.

Use of over the counter medications or natural ways to get rid of a stuffy nose

Over the counter decongestants that help clear stuffy nose by shrinking the inflamed blood vessels that cause congestion help, but could have various side-effects like nervous and jittery feelings, difficulty in sleeping and urination, with increased blood pressure and irregular heart rhythm. Similarly antihistamine helps to block histamines that the body releases during infections, but they cause drowsiness. In addition the long term use of decongestants could reduce its effectiveness with building up tolerance and causing rebound congestions.

The use of natural ways to get rid of a stuffy nose is highly advisable and recommended. The use of various herbs has helped as fast natural ways to get rid of a stuffy nose. Use of Eyebright, proves to be an effective natural way to get rid of stuffy nose. This herb has a mixture of a slightly bitter and sweet taste and has drying properties. The aerial part of this plant, eyebright has proved to have properties of expectorants, astringents, decongestants and anti-inflammatory properties. So it acts as an excellent natural remedy for sinus congestion, stuffy nose and hay fever.

A steamer/vaporizer proves to be the most useful thing to have around to treat stuffy nose. Boiling water in a vaporizer or a steaming bowel with herbs and inhaling it helps not just unblock stuffed nose but also helps clear sinus cavities. Camphor, menthol and eucalyptus have proved best as herbs to clear and open up nasal cavities and clear stuffy nose. A hot shower or use of a humidifier could also substantially help congestion. Saline sprays, one the best alternatives for a decongestant spray could prove excellent in clearing the nasal cavity of all unnecessary toxins and help easy and healthy breathing.

You must have definitely heard your grandmother say that feed a cold and starve a fever, with its meaning that drinking warm fluids and eating spicy foods helps to clear stuffy noses. Drinking warm lemon juice, lemon tea, ginger tea, and soups especially with spices like ginger, pepper and the like helps to clear stuffy nose and provide relief. These liquids helps make the mucus thin, however drinking fluids that contain caffeine can do more harm than good for stuffy noses.

Natural ways to get rid of a stuffy nose means taking garlic, cayenne pepper, and onions that help unclog noses with their antiviral properties. It would cause no harm and also provide relief in taking a hot toddy drink with little rum, water, sugar and spices. But take care to avoid taking alcohol in excess as this could stress the body and hinder recovery.

Now you would surely get great relief using these fast natural ways to get rid of a stuffy nose.