Skin Cancer and Other Growths. Skin cancers often begin on the skin of the nose, especially where the nostril flares into the cheek. Other skin growths, for instance, warts and blood-filled tumors, oftentimes are found in the skin of weather-beaten faces such as farmers and outdoors men. (See Skin Diseases).

External Nasal Deformity. Irregularities of the nose are very common. It is rare to find both sides of any nose exactly alike and the inside of the nostril varies slightly in size and shape, although such variances have no importance at all. The septum of the nose, which should be nearly in the mid-line, is often somewhat off to one side, possibly as a natural occurrence or as a result of trauma. This is of no significance unless it results in breathing difficulty. Deformities in the profile of the nose claim most people’s attention because of cosmetic appearance. It can be reshaped considerably with plastic surgery, however, patients are rarely satisfied after nose surgery.

Allergy (Rhinitis). Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, produces a wet, dripping nose through which it is usually very difficult to breathe. Considerable irritation and redness of the nose may be present along with swelling and soreness and tears often flow from the eyes because they cannot drain into the nose as they normally should.

In seasonal rhinitis, air-borne pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds are most frequently the offenders. However, in the type which is present the year round, allergic factors such as animal danders, house dust, feathers or mattress stuffing are more than likely the cause. People with allergies should avoid these offending substances as determined by an exact investigation, and testing by the allergist, the doctor who specializes in the investigation and treatment of allergic diseases.

Fig. 18. Sinuses are room-like cavities within the skull, communicating with the nose. They lighten the skull and “hollow out” the voice. The biggest sinuses form the eyebrows and cheekbones. Frequently infected, they often cause bad breath and continual throat dripping.

Want to know what to expect from nose surgery procedures? Browse through our pages on frequently asked questions and consumer information on Los Angeles rhinoplasty to get the sought after nose shape.