Hemorrhoids, sometimes called piles, are only enlarged blood vessels about the anus. They are varicose veins of the rectum, exactly like varicose veins of the legs, but since they are usually painless, many people who have hemorrhoids do not know it. When the enlarged vein is on the outside of the anus, it is an external hemorrhoid, and when it appears as a mass coming out through the anal opening, it is called an internal hemorrhoid.

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Through the years there have been many reasons stated as the cause of hemorrhoids. Some of these reasons have real merit and some do not. They are:

1. The erect position. Standing erect, unlike animals, probably helps hemorrhoids to occur, but then not all upright people have hemorrhoids.

2. Straining, as in constipation or pregnancy. This possibly enlarges hemorrhoids already present, but hemorrhoids are not present in all constipated people, or in all women who have borne children.

3. Inheritance. A tendency toward hemorrhoid may be definitely inherited; however, not all cases of hemorrhoids can be blamed on our ancestors.

Also often heard are many completely unfounded ideas about the cause of hemorrhoids. They include sitting on cold ground, eating certain foods, and even bow-legs. These notions are not based on genuine fact, and cannot be given serious consideration.

The most reasonable cause of hemorrhoids is infection about the anus. Infection often weakens the wall of the vein and allows them to stretch and form the widely dilated veins which we call hemorrhoids. Most people know when something is wrong about their anal region, but not what is wrong. A suspicion may exist for years that the protrusion from the anus during bowel movements is hemorrhoidal trouble but, frequently these protrusions are just pushed back into the rectum. This may go on until painful itching, bleeding or other symptoms become annoying enough to drive the person to his physician, where the difficulty becomes diagnosed exactly.

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