What is your Role in Child Obesity Prevention?

My family consists of people who are over weight but cannot be called obese. They are prone to be obese definitely. People are not at all bothered about family genetics, and it does not make any difference. Environment and dietary habits play a significant role in putting on weight. Not only children but too should have good habits. By encouraging children to eat well while you control youre eating. You are increasing the problem instead of solving it. Always think about child obesity prevention to make them happy as they grow into adults.

Surprisingly, my childs obesity prevention was helped and encouraged by her watching the wiggles on the television. She loved them and at six still watches though not with the same vigor. The wiggles sing and talk a lot of healthy foods and indicate the effects of taking wrong foods. This was real good education for my child and she learnt a lot about food eating. To day her choice of foods is always good and I am surprised at it. I thank the wiggles for it and I have to learn also.

Apart from other influences like the wiggles you have an important role to play in the prevention of obesity. Have good food choices nearly, dont provide treats often, and give them healthy choices for snacks. They must eat what you have when they are hungry enough, children do not starve and do not worry yourself about that.

Be watchful about what children eat in schools. A few schools are alive to the necessity of child obesity prevention. Schools cannot dictate what children should eat but you should ensure that they get the right foods in school. They may have to bring a snack to school even at kindergarten or first grade. My school prohibits sugary items and I dont send them, choose good foods for preventing child obesity.

Another significant step in child obesity prevention, apart from eating foods, is to ensure that they are up and moving every day. Some children can join some good programs in school. A few children do not have physical education totally or forced to abstain from it. Children should always be alert and active while taking the right foods. This goes a long way in preventing child obesity.