What is Throat Irritation

Inflammation or erosion of throat passage is usually termed as throat irritation. There are various causes for throat irritation. Factors like dry cough, allergies, laryngitis, pharyngitis, epiglottis, acid reflux, common cold, etc are the primary causes. Many of these factors are associated with difficulty in swallowing as well.

Throat Irritation due to Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can be known by symptoms like sore throat, and difficulty in swallowing. It occurs when the digestive juices which are acidic in nature travel back through the esophagus and larynx into the throat. These acids cause inflammation which result in sore throat. It results in difficulty in swallowing. This problem can be resolved by natural remedies like drinking lot of fluids, gargling with salt water, consuming honey, avoiding spicy and oily foods etc.

Throat Irritation due to Epiglottis

Epiglottis occurs when the back of the throat gets infected by bacteria. Other symptoms associated with Epiglottis are severe sore throat; difficulty in swallowing, high fever etc. Antibiotic treatment is needed to control the bacteria.

Throat Irritation due to Throat Infection

When people who have weak immune system are affected by different types of viruses and bacteria, it results in various diseases and throat infection being one among them. Onset of cold also results in throat infection and persons affected by it face the problem in swallowing food. This problem can be resolved by taking antibiotics under expert supervision, and gargling with warm salt water.

Throat Irritation due to Tonsillitis

When tonsils in the throat get infected, difficulty in swallowing and throat irritation occurs. Tonsillitis is usually observed in children and sometimes in adults as well. Due to infection, pus gets accumulated in peritonsillar abscess. Patients feel severe difficulty in consuming food, especially solids. Antibiotics are generally prescribed to kill the bacteria.

Other causes for Throat Irritation and Difficulty in Swallowing

Several other diseases like Scarlet fever, Strep throat, Swine Flu, Thyroid cancer, Oral Cancer, Croup, Bird flu etc are also associated with throat irritation and difficulty in swallowing.

asic Care & Caution for Throat Irritation and Difficulty in Swallowing

1.Patients suffering from any kind of throat infection should also look for other symptoms associated, so that proper diagnosis can be done and suitable treatment can be prescribed.

2.For normal throat infection that is associated with cold, natural remedies can be followed to ease the irritation and difficulty in swallowing.