If you are feeling lonely when taking care of your old parents, dont worry, you are not alone. You are among the many 50 million Americans who are going through the same phase as you. Get ready to spend you priceless time and emotional feelings with your aging parents, even if they stay at an other place and you have taken the responsibility to take full care of them.

What Best You Can Do

Attending to your aging parents emotional and health needs can leave you drained and exhausted. Cooperation from your siblings and friends can relieve you from the load. If you are working, paying attention to your aging parents is next to impossible. But you should understand the fact that either or both of your parents are undergoing many changes in their thoughts, behavior and attitudes, whether they wish to or not.

In this case taking care of our parents can seem like nursing an unknown person. Take an occasional break from your routine for the betterment of your mental and physical health. You should also be prepared to face the reality if one of your parents does not recognize you after being affected by a serious disease condition.

Legal Matters

If you are caring for aging parents, do not forget to consult an accountant or attorney for legal assistance. The energy, time and money spent are worth it. Drawing a will and minutely examining estate laws can free you and your parents of unnecessary last moment stress, giving you enough time to care for them. There are times when you can claim tax benefits and deductions in the same regard.

Dont Get Them Drive

Taking away the car is done before the house is taken away. Try to make your parents aware of the negative effects of driving at their age. With poor eyesight, weak physical and mental state it is highly risky for the aged to drive. It may prove dangerous to them as well as other drivers on road. It rarely happens that the parent happily gives up on driving and the best way to give them a surprise is to disappear the car overnight.

House Is No More Safe

Be prepared for a clash as soon as you propose the idea of moving your parents to a care facility for their own safety and benefit. A home that once provided shelter and safety could turn out to be a dangerous place to live for the aging parents, especially if they are forgetful and have physical disabilities. There are chances of leaving the stove on or slipping down that can turn out to be harmful.

You Are A Parent Now

When you are taking care of your parents, remember you are the parent to your parents now. It is time to give back the love, affection and kindness you received from them when you were a child being taken care of. And dont forget the fact that caring aging parents needs patience, patience and only patience