Improper functioning of the cranial nerve VIII, the inner ear, or the brains central processing centres is the chief cause of low frequency hearing loss, a specific type of sensor neural loss of hearing. In this type of disability people find it difficult to hear sounds in the frequency range of 125 hertz to 1000hertz. Of the many acquired causes in low frequency hearing loss, inflammation of parts of ear, especially the internal ear is one. This inflammation may be caused by an infection or by non infection agents such as hardened earwax or a foreign particle entering the ear by chance. Maladies like Measles, syphilis, and meningitis may also cause inflammation and hearing loss. Meniere s disease, with its ringing in the ears is the latest cause of low frequency hearing loss causing sudden attacks of vertigo lasting from a few minutes to a few hours.

Congenital Causes

People may also be born with low frequency hearing loss because of poor Cochlea development, congenital cholesteatoma, a destructive cyst in the middle ear and delayed familial progressive causes. Researchers at the University of Michigan, USA, have identified a gene called WFS1, responsible for low frequency hearing loss. A mutated copy of the gene among children brought about low pregnancy hearing loss gradually. It deteriorated with time. Researchers non presume a link betweenWFS1 and high frequency hearing loss in advanced stage of life.

Treatment of Low Frequency Hearing Loss

Cochlear implants and usage of hearing aid are the only applicable treatment ways at the moment for low frequency hearing loss. Hearing aids amplify sound according to pre-set frequencies. Thus the users can easily hear the sounds in that range. Cochlear implant, called bionic ear is placed surgically in the cochlea, an auditory branch of the inner ear. It is a small electronic contraption to stimulate the auditory nerves. Outward by the cochlear implant has three parts – a microphone, a transmitter and a speech processor. Because it is expensive and advanced technique, it is confined to developed countries.

[tags]Speech Processor, Congenital Reasons[/tags]