There are a lot of people who actually mistake the chest pains that they are going through as heart attack. But in most cases it is actually heartburn, and this condition it to the fact that you have stomach acid that is moving through the chest region. This is not a cause of worry, but if you keep it for a long time, you would experience a lot of pain, and a burning sensation in the region of future, that can be very uncomfortable for you, and you would be experiencing a lot of discomfort due to this phenomenon. If you happen to be undergoing such a phenomenon, it would be very wise of you to get the help of a doctor, who can prescribe you over the counter medication that can actually be very helpful for you.

But most of the drugs nowadays are actually full of side effects, and you would type to be very careful in order to get a very good drug that can actually help you in getting rid of the situation without giving you any of the side effects. There are also a lot of other ways of treatment, and most of them are natural methods that can actually help you in getting rid of heartburn. Most of the homegrown methods are actually very effective in treating heartburn, and you’d not have to worry about side effects, as most of these products are actually present in your kitchen, and are not to be separately brought from the medicine Shop.

Having a solution of baking soda along with water can be a very good method in order to get rid of heartburn. Baking soda is a very common ingredient in making food, and cooking, and you would not have to buy this product in the medicine shop, but rather you can get it from the kitchen. Whenever you feel that you’re experiencing heartburn, it would mean that you would have to take care of the acid reflux that is going through the esophagus, and you would have to ingest a good proportion of baking soda, in order to get rid of the situation. If the baking soda is not at all agreeable with you, then you could have it with water, and that effect would be very good for you.

You could also utilize and get the desired results by using apple cider vinegar. Having 2 1/2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 10 ounces of water can actually cure you of your heartburn within a matter of moments, and you would be relieved from the current position in which you are in, which would make you a very happy person. Apple cider vinegar is a very common ingredient in food, and you can easily procure it as in the previous method from the kitchen. If you feel that the proportion is very less, mix it in that exact quantity, and you would get the desired result from ingesting the solution.