Good Medicines as Alternative cancer Therapies

Cancer patients, in their millions, resort to chemotherapy to free themselves from cancer but chemotherapy takes its toll on their energy. The profound side effect of this therapy is, invariably, loss of hair. In some cases the patient is almost cured. Chemotherapy and conventional medication prove utterly useless and the patient becomes emotionally hopeless and does not know what to do. Alternative medicine is a holistic approach. Natural medicine is a number of avenues to be explored and here are a few of them which can be tried.

Alternative cancer therapy aims at strengthening the entire body, cleansing and supporting it to get rid of the cancer in the body. A number of drugs are there which can bring dramatic and successful results.

Essiac tea, a mixture of herbs used by natives of American and Canadian Tribes as a cancer remedy, is one of the most famous alternatives cancer therapies for centuries. A Canadian nurse, in 1880s know about it and dispensed it cancer patients incurable and given up for lost. Magically, a majority of her patients survived. This combination of herbs was so good that it is available even now in shops under the name Essaic tea. Detailed information is on the net and you can consult a qualified herbalist.

A Russian study tried beet juice as a cure for cancer. The cure rate was astonishingly great. The cleansing of beet juice was so thorough that patients could not take it as a beverage as they fell ill and feverish. Strangely it did not get good publicity as an alternative cancer therapy. At present we have a controlled form of beet powder in the place of beet juice.

Both Burdock and Dandelion roots are heavy duty blood cleansers without great side effects. Dandelion root is a powerful liver cleanser. My grand mother, with liver cancer took daily course of dandelion root. After many months the doctor could not find any trace of liver cancer in her. The doctor was spell bound and could not explain.

Elecampane root miraculously works for the respiratory system acting as an anti biotic and cleansing, toning and restoring the function of the system. A small portion of pleurisy root is added according to your condition. Echinacea root tones up and strengthens the immune system which can be very significant in under going chemotherapy.

Consult an herbal therapist before taking to herbal alternative cancer therapy. They know the possible interactions with any medications that you take. Plant world offers good alternatives for cancer therapy. Be on the look out for alternatives.