Nike, Apple, Microsoft, Blue Shield, Safeco and the United States Government are top listed multinational companies who use aging population projections. It entirely depends on the company and how much correct their forecast is which determines their survival.

The Formation Of U.S. Census Bureau

The first survey began in United States early somewhere in 1600s in Virginia, where people in British colonies were also included who later became a pert of United States.1790 in history turned out to record the first official census by the Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. The new country which needed a firm military support had to give importance on ageing population projections also.

Slowly by 1810 manufacturing units used census to determine their quality and output value very similar to our Gross National Product. In due course, from 1810 to 1850, inquiry on fisheries, taxation, religion and crime were included in the census questionnaire.

Census in 1880 was so complicated that it took ten years to get the relative results. When found that ten years was too long, tabulating machines were put into use by 1890. The punch card machines used today are look alike of those used in yesteryears.

The census bureau believe that population in United States have increased multifold leading to more of older age. By 2020 the national population of United States will enlarge by 20%. The data then provided will show that 55% of the rapid growth of population will be constituted by people above the age of 65.

Americas Fact Finder the census bureau of America shows the importance of expertise knowledge in this field. When the Congress realized the potential of an aging population projection this organization was initiated by Congress in 1902.

Upgrade In Census

The census bureau announces figures on local and state governments every five years apart from aging population projection statistics taken every ten years. The general public is allowed to use all the necessary information to give a clear picture when the surveys are taken. More than 100 surveys are taken each year. Future marketing plans for development are made on the basis of these surveys on ageing population projections by business companies.