Understand what tonsil stones are and whether you have it Ah my sore throat is so painful and it would never heal! But I am so scared to dig out the white and yellow lumps that seem embedded in my… Continue Reading →
Aspergers Syndrome and young children It is interesting to note that Aspergers is autism in a mild form when children could have problems in socializing and communicating with other children. However most Aspergers children neither have delay in acquiring language… Continue Reading →
Know all about writing disorders in children or dysgraphia Dysgraphia or writing disorders in children is experienced by some children that have great difficulty in putting down their thoughts in writing and could lead to writing that is not only… Continue Reading →
Being always thirsty and frequent urination who can they be It may be embarrassing to always feel thirsty with frequent urination, with these symptoms being due to a peculiar yet serious lifestyle disease; diabetes. Knowing and understanding about diabetes would… Continue Reading →
Understand Autism Spectrum Disorder in children Autism or autism spectrum disorders as it is also referred to children that may show a number of symptoms ranging from lack of social skills, empathy, communication and language skills to inflexible behavior. Autism… Continue Reading →
Lets first know about obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) You may have been amused with the way certain people persistently do certain rituals as counting objects, checking and cleaning objects, and washing hands and legs or persistently wanting to take a… Continue Reading →