Understand what tonsil stones are and whether you have it

Ah my sore throat is so painful and it would never heal! But I am so scared to dig out the white and yellow lumps that seem embedded in my throat because it would damage my tonsils. What do I do? This could be the cry of one of you who has tonsilloliths or tonsil stones that send out that foul smell that the best of mouth wash or mints cannot remove. There is no single way to predict who could get this disorder as observation shows that dental hygiene plays no part in this mysterious and embarrassing disease.

Tonsil stones are formed over time when globs of mucus and other matter like bacteria and dead cells are locked in the back of the throat in the crevices of the tonsils harden. Being white or yellow in color, these stones could give out a strong putrid smell; it could make a person feel that he/she has something on the back of the throat with it being more common among those that suffer from tonsillitis.

Pick a suitable natural remedy for tonsil stones

1.Nutrition has played a vital role in many diseases, with tonsil stones or tonsilloliths not left behind. It proves vital to eat a healthy and nutritiously
well-balanced diet that contains vitamins and minerals that act as a preventive measure. Probiotics has been the present rage with a diet that is rich in probiotics or good bacteria helping to fight bad bacteria that causes tonsil stones. Dairy products have always played a role in building up of mucus and calcium that promote tonsil stones. So you would best avoid eating about an hour before retiring to bed and also brush your teeth before retiring to bed. This would definitely help food hoarding the mouth all night and preventing this condition.

2.There could be no substitute for oral hygiene; this natural remedy for tonsil stones could also be a preventive measure. Brushing your teeth after every meal
followed by gargling with warm salt water or an alcohol free mouth wash helps to slowly but surely dissolve and remove these stones. It would prove useful to add a drop or two of grapefruit seed extract to an antiseptic mouthwash and gargle a few times daily. Gargling has surely helped dislodge tonsil stones in the initial stages. Tonsil stones are also sometimes removed with brushing and scraping with a toothbrush but care should be taken to avoid severe gag reflex.

3.How about a hearty laugh or coughing to frighten the tonsil stones to leave you alone. It is true that small tonsil stones have been removed this way. The
cure and prevention of tonsil stones lies in chewing a garlic clove at bedtime; the natural antibiotic and healing properties of garlic helps. Cotton swabs and Q-tip could be gentle ways to remove tonsil stones. Applying saline solution to the stone would help bring it to the surface to remove it gently, but this is possible only when the exact location of such stones is known. The use of a medicine dropper with a curved tip could also be used for removing small tonsil stones that lie on the surface and can be easily sucked out, but care is to be taken to avoid gag reflex. As tonsil stones increase in size it is possible to locate them with the use of mirrors and to use cotton swabs to gently push them up and remove them. It is advisable to use to wash the area of the tonsil stones well with an antiseptic mouthwash after removal.

Lastly tonsil stones though annoying and uncomfortable cause no great harm, with their treatment varying with the size of the stone. Large stones require tonsil stone surgery, but these surgeries could involve a long recovery time and be painful and costly. Surgeries have never been permanent cures, with the best natural remedy for tonsil stones lying in the famous saying, prevention is better than cure.