Month April 2008

Why Intertron Bionic Hearing Aid is a Blessing to Hearing-Impaired

Two decades back the world of bionics was introduced to society with the Six Million Dollar Man and the bionic woman, putting her hand up to her ear when a sudden bionic rhythmic beep was made and she could hear… Continue Reading →

Aromatherapy Scented Candles To Encircle Your Senses

It is well documented that the sense of smell could alter the mood of a person very well. Hence many people are using aromatherapy scented candle to make that change in them. As more and more peopl

Get To Know What Is Latest In Anti Aging Skin Care

Anti aging has become the latest speciality in the medical field. From time immemorial man has been searching for the “fountain of youth” and the magic pill to slow down the process of aging. The proc

Why Waste Your Money on Expensive Hearing Aids

For several people the idea of wearing a hearing aid is rather repugnant. They cannot digest that idea and it is more challenging when the prohibitive cost of, hearing aids are contemplated. Though many quality hearing aids are very effective… Continue Reading →

Effective Way For Relaxation Using Aromatherapy Of Rome Candles

Buying candles is a passion for many people. Many of the people buy it for the scent that is let off and many buy it for the color. It’s great for brightening a room in a romantic way. Now-a-days m

How Anti Aging Doctor Can Help You Lead A Quality Life

“Old age obscures senses” and entails a physical and mental decline after a stage of sexual maturity. By this deterioration in body’s health, the person becomes weak and his immune system also cannot

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