Though the definite cause for breast cancer is unknown, it is caused by inherited and internal factors together with environmental and external factors. We should really appreciate and applaud their efforts to provide safe treatment. We take our wellness for granted until a terrible and fatal disease attacks us and then only we seek a cure to lead a healthy life.
As in other cases, prevention is better than cure even for cancer. We should take a pro active stance against this dread disease. There are patterns for people whom a very high risks, though they do not develop cancer definite areas have to be observed and watched.
What things are recommended to avoid breast cancer
1) Keep your weight with in healthy limits. Fatness and breast cancer are interlinked. Women with menopause who are obese are affected later in life.
2) As a second step limit your alcohol intake, over drinking, irrespective of its brand may cause breast cancer. Limit it to one drink a day or avoid it totally if you are at higher risk.
3) Thirdly, be physically active. Use your body and have an intake of healthy oxygen that works wonders for the immune system.
4) Use olive oil whose oleic acid suppresses the oncogene breast cancer.
5) Fifth step is to eat 20 to 30gms of good fiber daily. This prevents the circulation of excess estrogen in the body. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables have good fiber. Use organically grown food to avoid pesticides linked to cancer. Wash and scrub fruits and vegetables well.
6) As a sixth step drink plenty of good water along with fiber. Water navigates the fiber through the body and flushes out toxins.
7) Include flax seed in your diet that contains lignum which reduces estrogen production in the body and lowers its circulation in the body.
8) Keep away from all processed foods and dairy products with an enrichment of hormones.
9) The ninth step shall be to take proper rest and relax yourself. Pursue hobbies and build up positive feelings.
10) Last but not the least, give up and kick the smoking habit as also passive smoking.
According to WHO 80% of cancers are the result of toxins in our environment the air we breathe and the food we eat, cellular phone with excess low frequency radiation, a few house hold appliances and electro magnetic fields also contribute to cancer of breast.