What is Asthma?

Asthma or Reactive Airway Disease (RAD) is a chronic inflammation of the human lungs which causes disorder of its airways. Due to asthma, the bronchial membranes get swollen, muscles in the airway get tightened and excess mucous is produced which block airway and makes it narrow. Hence the asthmatic patient will have difficulty in breathing.

Need for knowing Why do people get asthma?

People should be aware of why they get affected by asthma. This is because asthma means the lung membranes have become over sensitive due to some triggers or causes. So by finding out why do people get asthma, those triggering factors can be avoided and asthma attacks can be prevented.

Why do People Get Asthma?

People get asthma either due to external agents or the internal reactions that happens within the body. People get asthma due to specific factors such as pollen, dust, fur, chemicals, medicines, occupational exposure etc. Some factors are non-specific such as cold, smoke, pollution etc.

What are the triggers of Asthma?

Various triggers or causes due to which people get asthma are listed below:

Exercise: Some people get asthma due to their regular exercises. This exercise induced asthma attack can be prevented by taking preventive medicines and tying a scarf around the nose before starting the regular exercises. Such people should avoid cold/dry air and they should be in warm or moist air. People can also change their exercises if possible. Indoor games and summer sports like swimming are much preferable for outdoor games such as football and winter sports like skiing.

Heartburn or Reflux Esophagitis: People get asthma attack due to heartburn too. This affects in the night time when the person is lying flat on the bed. Due to acid reflux, the acid leaks into the swallowing tube, throat and the entire breathing passage causing wheezing and choking. If asthma is not triggered by cold, respiratory irritation or allergens, then it means reflux has triggered asthma in that asthmatic patient.

Allergies or Exposure to Allergens: Asthma in 75% of the asthmatic children are triggered by allergies such as dust, dietary changes and genetic factors from parents. Asthma attacks in such cases can be avoided by undergoing immunotherapy or medication for asthma.

Respiratory Infections: People might get asthma due to respiratory infections such as cold. This will lead to asthma and wheezing. Weather changes such as humidity, temperature, changes in barometric pressure also act as triggers to asthma.

Stress: Asthma occurs due to stress as well. The stress can be emotional or physical. Reduction of stress avoids blood pressure and asthma.