Understanding insomnia

Insomnia, the sleeping disorder that is least understood has turned into a malice of the so called rich that deprives the person not only of quality mental rest, but also interferes with the day to day activities and can prove into a hazard for health when it turns frequent. Sleep is very essential for smooth and efficient functioning of the body, with normally about 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep being able to promote mental activeness and freshness.

Insomnia could be caused with mental tension that is due to over excitement, anxiety, overwork, worries, and suppressed feelings of bitterness, anger, and resentment with constipation, smoking and overeating also contributing to it. It could also be the anxiety of falling asleep. Insomnia could show up as difficulty in concentrating, forgetfulness, depression, anxiety and mental illness

Finding the best home remedy for insomnia

You could never find a magic potent to treat insomnia, but definitely a few simple home remedies would help cure insomnia and get quality sleep at night.

1.A comfortable bedroom that has a calm environment and is considerably free of noise, arguments with spouse and has a comfortable bed that is neither too hard, nor too soft, but of the right texture and hardness is conducive to good sleep. You should make sure the bedroom used only for sleeping and sex and not for any other activities.

2.You would find the best home remedy for insomnia is making your bedtime ritual a habit, this could include taking a warm bath a few hours before retiring to bed. A warm bath not only relaxes your muscles but prepares you for quality sleep to get up refreshed. It has helped many to soak in a hot bath to which 2 cups of Epsom salt has been added.

3.Consuming a glass of milk or water with honey just before bedtime helps as a natural tranquilizer helps as a home remedy for insomnia, with rubbing the milk
on the soles of the feet proving very effective. In addition curds/yogurt massaged on the head also helps fall asleep fast. A tea made with boiling a teaspoon of aniseeds in water helps to get over insomnia. The tea so made should be allowed to simmer for at least 15 minutes before it is strained and consumed hot or warm with honey at bedtime.

4.you up with unpleasant symptoms like stomachache, headache, and a full bladder, with inability to fall to sleep again. Caffeine acts as a stimulator so
restricting its consumption close to bedtime helps.

5You could not overlook the home remedy for insomnia that involves the use of Valerian that not only rejuvenates the nerves and relaxes the muscles but also induces good sleep. Commonly used as a remedy for anxiety, insomnia, and hyperactivity, the root can be used to great advantage as it contains various chemicals that produce the calming and sedative effect.

There is no best home remedy for insomnia that works for all, a trial and error method would help you come across the remedy that works best for you and this could be easily accomplished with maintaining a sleep diary.