Realize that your child has ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

It is of great concern to note that ADHD affects about 3 to 5% children, with it not only being depressing to children, but also to teachers, parents and family. Being a disorder that is very difficult to diagnose and plan effective treatment plans, this disorder is characterized with difficulty in controlling the behavioral patterns of the child that ultimately affects school, home and all aspects of life. Knowing some characteristic symptoms of ADHD would help not only to observe and diagnose the disorder, but also take steps to find medical and other natural remedies for ADHD in children.

You would as a parent observe that these children are generally inattentive, lack concentration and have very short attention spans. Being inattentive and lacking concentration, it is common to observe that these children tend to daydream a lot.

The next significant feature of this disorder is hyperactivity in such children, with them being over-talkative, overactive and very restless. They may tend to be very restless and impulsive in their thoughts and actions and lack judgment skills. You could find most of these features appearing either separately or in combination. However diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder could pose difficulties because many of us are impulsive in out thought and action at times.

Pick up a suitable natural remedy for ADHD in children

It is significant to note that though hyperactivity and inability to concentrate have been treated with various drugs, these drugs have most often had severe side effects even with the lowest dosage. However there is an urgent need to treat ADHD with home and natural remedies as this disorder starts hindering many fields of activity of the children. Many parents that have tried holistic remedies have found considerable relief in their children.

Considering the various factors that have influenced the behavioral problems of children, you would find that diet plays an integral role in creating and solving the disorder. You would notice that your child with attention deficiency hyperactivity disorder would benefit a lot with elimination of foods that contain preservatives, are processed, and use artificial food colorings. It is these artificial food products that not only bring down concentration, but also make them hyperactive soon after use.

Pesticides and chemical fertilizers have also played a role, with many children benefitting with going organic and using vegetables, fruits and meat that are produced in the organic way. This has been conformed through various studies that state that children that are subject to pesticides and chemical fertilizers stand twice the risk to have ADHD.

You would be smart in handling your ADHD child with use of effective parenting skills that involves training in behavioral patterns. Training in behavioral patterns that aim at bringing up successful and well balanced adults would involve simple yet effective techniques like teaching afflicted children how to make simple requests with giving clear instructions. Next it would involve setting behavioral limits, enforcing them with consistency and rewarding and praising good behavior.

Herbs like Radix Heraclei, Gotu Kola and Cimicifuga racemosa play an important part as a natural remedy for ADHD in children. Most herbs have healthy nutrients and greatly help bring about concentration, mental clarity by eliminating mental fatigue, irritability and mood swings.

The Chinese herb, radix heraclei helps to remove emotional rigidity caused by tension, and to soothe the nerves of hyperactive children. Gotu Kola is the great natural remedy for ADHD in children, playing the role of increasing mental function and memory and enhancing the capabilities to learn. Cimicifuga racemosa proves effective in ADHD with elimination of anxiety, depression, irritability, nervousness and restlessness.
You would sure find a natural remedy for ADHD in children just for you.