The swollen throat with white spots can be most commonly referred as tonsil stones which are also known as Tonsoliliths. This may also be an indication of tonsillitis, tonsilith, tonsil debris and some other throat infections. This condition is commonly not a serious case but the patient having this problem will feel a lot of discomfort. In general, the white spots that form in the throat are made up of calcium and mucus layers. When the mouth is watched with the help of some flash lights, the swollen throat with white spots can be identified easily. In some cases the white spots will spread at the roof of the mouth also. .

Symptoms of Swollen Throat with White Spots

1.Bad breath and more smelly.

2.Cough occurring without any cause and patient could not relieve from that.

3.Small ear aches, ear odd pressure and sore throat.

4.The person will feel that some thing has caught and struck at the back side of the throat and not coming out.

5.A development of white and yellowish colored tiny balls at the tonsils and back edges of the throat which keeps their finding of way back.

How does the Swollen Throat with White Spots Occur

The tonsil surface consists of numerous tiny pockets known as tonsil crypts that were made up of soft tissues. This is meant for trapping materials such as bacteria, mucus and dead cells. This tissue lining also gets mixed up with saliva of the mouth. The broken starch and carbohydrates obtained are combined with the bacteria and mucus which gets hardened up. This debris thus concentrates and forms as the white spots at the tonsils and at throat some times.

This occurs mostly in the people who suffer from chronic tonsil inflammations and tonsillitis. The white spot mostly contains salts like calcium carbonate apatite, hydroxyapatite, oxalates and some other magnesium salts and ammonium radicals. The swollen throat with white spots is also referred as tonsil crypts or cryptic tonsils.

Main Causes for the Swollen Throat with White Spots

The main factors that causes swollen throat with white spots are:

1.Bacterial presence in the mouth.

2.Secreted mucus deposits and residues of food materials.

3.Hyper activity in the salivary glands that will result in the enzyme action.

4.In certain cases, the contribution of white blood cells also will result in the forming of swollen glands with white spots.

Removal of White Spots

To remove white spots, certain natural treatments can be undergone at home. Brush the tonsils with toothbrush to remove to spots. Some medicine droppers can also be used with a curved tip for the removal. One of the best methods to remove white spots is irrigating the white spots with some amount of salt water. For permanent removal, a surgery known as tonsillectomy can be performed.