Understanding bronchitis in children and its remedies

Children that are very prone to common colds stand the risk of bronchitis or inflammation of the medium sized airways in the lungs. There could be a build up of bacteria and mucus in the throat. Bronchitis could start off from acute common colds that spread to the lungs, causing inflammation and accompanied by difficulty in breathing. Bronchitis showing the symptoms of common cold could by accompanied with a strange squeaky sound accompanied by labored breathing. Accompanied with a lot of phlegm and wheezing, bronchitis if neglected could prove to be very dangerous in young children.

Chronic bronchitis accompanied with enormous secretions from the bronchial mucus glands could in extreme situations turn the whole body of children blue. It is often better in case of children to resort to natural remedies for bronchitis rather than treat it with strong medications that could weaken them. It is interesting to note that advocates of Ayurveda feel that bronchitis is caused due to disorders in the digestive system with most remedies aiming at bringing the digestive system to normal.

A look at some good natural remedies for bronchitis

It is a well noted fact that when fresh air fails to reach the lungs, children may have to exert themselves more to expel out the mucus as spasms prevent the bringing up of the mucus. One of the natural remedies for bronchitis in children would be to make them consume a lot of fluids. Fluids help to not only make the mucus blocking the windpipe thin to be expelled, but also assists breathing.

It is found that the daily intake of fluids should make up about 6 to 8 glasses that could be in the form of water, herbal teas or juice. Drinking a lot of fluids in the form of warm water and soups helps greatly to clear the discomfort in the chest and throat. Chicken, tomato and vegetable soup made at home taken periodically with a tang of pepper and lemon has helped greatly in healing bronchitis. Drinking soups can help clear congestion and be very comforting to a sick child and have always
cleared congestion much better than other fluids.

It is very necessary to be very careful with children that have bronchitis because children are very sensitive. Warm clothing to cover the chest and breasts is very important for protection against the cold and when the child is taken out for a walk to get fresh air. In addition it is very necessary to avoid exposure to cold and damp weather and not take cold drinks that could aggravate the situation. Another natural remedy for children suffering from bronchitis would be to avoid smoke in the form of cigarette and firewood smoke in his/her environment.

One more of the natural remedies for bronchitis in children would be to clear mucus and phlegm and assist breathing with herbs like ginger, cayenne, fenugreek, lobelia, marshmallow, mullein, pokeroot, and yarrow. Ginger is the herb that can be used as one of the natural remedies to be used in bathtubs, and they can also be taken orally along with cayenne to promote perspiration, relieve congestion and reduce fever. Herbs like fenugreek, poke root and mullein can be given with honey for flavor, with these herbs helping the bronchial tube to effectively to expel mucus and phlegm and reduce swelling on glands, while lobelia helps relieve spasms and promote a soothing, calm and relaxing effect.

It is found that if children are given marshmallow and poke root, these herbs help soothes and coats the inflammation, and prove to be a natural antibiotic to cleanse swollen and infected glands and help in expelling wastes and toxins and breaking down the mucus respectively. Yarrow is the wonder herb that helps in flu and fevers and you could find great benefit in their power to heal and soothe mucous membranes, glandular system and problems in the respiratory system.

These good natural remedies for bronchitis in children are sure to work.