Search results “shingles”

Shingles pain is not from heart

Shingles (Herpes Zoster) is a burning, aching pain usually on one side of the chest wall. We know where the pain is coming from as soon as we recognize shingles, for a skin eruption usually Fig. 66. Breast Pain. Caused… Continue Reading →

Skin abnormalities – Shingles, Lupus, and Xanthelasma

Shingles, Fever Blisters, Herpes Herpes, or shingles, are virus-induced infections and are of two kinds. First, there is the small, reddened and blistery type of skin sore, referred to as fever blisters or cold sores, usually found in the area… Continue Reading →

Congestive Failure and Coronary Occlusion of the heart

Heart Failure {Congestive Failure, Dropsy). The normal heart pumps more than enough blood for all body functions, but the diseased heart may not be able to pump the minimum required by the body, and then heart failure is said to… Continue Reading →

Examining the Female Genital Region

This examination is best carried out lying on the back with the knees well bent and held wide apart. With good light and a large hand mirror, the external vagina and its component parts can be visualized easily. Fig. 111…. Continue Reading →

Cancer of the Prostate Gland

Cancer of the Prostate Gland. Cancer of the prostate gland behaves exactly like non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate, and is treated in essentially the same manner-removal of the gland. Cancer, however, which has a characteristic feel to the finger, and… Continue Reading →

Growths in the Prostate

Growths of the Prostate. One of the most common and troublesome difficulties for males beyond the age of fifty is non- A Proven Formula That Naturally Shrinks Your Prostate In Just Weeks! => Click Here Fig. 109. The prostate gland’s… Continue Reading →

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