Search results “eczema”

Skin abnormalities – Psoriasis, Impetigo, and Eczema

Psoriasis Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases of mature and later years. It resembles a growth of dull red splotches about the size of a dime, covered with a thin silvery white scale. Sometimes several of these… Continue Reading →

Say Goodbye to Severe Dandruff and Itchy Scalp

Although dandruff is a common problem, severe dandruff can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. If you have severe dandruff, you may feel like you can’t get rid of it no matter what you do. However, there are treatments available for severe… Continue Reading →

Congestive Failure and Coronary Occlusion of the heart

Heart Failure {Congestive Failure, Dropsy). The normal heart pumps more than enough blood for all body functions, but the diseased heart may not be able to pump the minimum required by the body, and then heart failure is said to… Continue Reading →

Know About Foods That Cause Hyperactivity In Children?

Can hyperactivity be caused by food in children A lot of debate has been going on for a long time now whether certain foods cause hyperactivity, with the conclusion still being not just controversial but also confusing. Many contend that… Continue Reading →

Tanning Beds and Skin Cancer – A Controversy?

Discussions over the prevention of skin cancer focus on the use of tanning bed or booths that use ultra violet radiation to produce a cosmetic tan. These beds use specific fluorescent lamps to omit ultra violet rays similar to suns… Continue Reading →

Why Natural Herbs are a Boon to Mankind

Herbs are of different categories like organic herbs, medicinal herbs and natural herbs. Natural herbs are the most commonly used by all. Not only are they useful in many ways but they provide alternatives to the more traditional prescription medicines… Continue Reading →

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